How to start a blog in 2025 And Make Money From It [Step By Step Process]

Do you want to know how to start a blog in 2025 and grow it from ZERO to $10,000 per month in passive income?

Are you planning to start a new blog og build a website from scratch? You are in the right place.

In this tutorial i will show you step by step what you need to build a profitable blog in 2025.

How to start a blog in 2023 And Make Money From It [Step By Step Process]

Pick A Profitable Niche

The most important thing with a Niche, is to narrow it in to a minimum. That will say you need to find one Niche and narrow it down to just one method, let's say "Make money with freelance writing". Don't try to start with a Niche like "How to make money" because it is to broad, and you will get a hard time to rank for your content.

If you go for "Make money with freelance writing", you can build an authority website arround that topic, and make huge profit in the long run.

Don't know what niche you should go for?

You must think about something that you are passion about, if you don't have passion, the writing of content will be very hard for you. So pick a niche that you are passion about and you have great interest in. (That is the recipe for success!)

→ Why You Should Build a Business Around Your Passion

Profitable niche ideas for 2023

  • Make Money Online
  • Fitness
  • Lifestyle
  • Travel and Outdoor
  • Finance
  • Relationships
  • Self Help Or Personal Development

Try to thing about some of this ideas, and try to narrow it down further so you don't get so much competition. That is how you get ranked at #1 on Google.


Choose A Domain And Hosting

When you are going to choose a domain, you will need to take some time to find the right one, and that said, there is difficult to find premium domain now.

But if you use some time, and do som research, you will find it. And i have also a great tool for you to find the perfect domain.

Every website has a domain: that is my domain. You must order your domain and point it to your host. I use for all of my domains, and I only order the domain and email, no hosting is necessary because you have that on CloudWays.

After the domain is register, you point the domain to your server at CloudWays. It is very simple to do, and you can find a great tutorial about it here.

Hosting for your site

I have been writing a lot about CloudWays and i use them on all my sites. They have great support and the price is good. And you can also host multiple websites on one server to hold the cost down.

→ 7 Reasons Why WordPress Users Choose Cloudways

→ 10 Reasons Why You Should Use Cloudways For Your WordPress Websites

Give Your Blog A Good Design

It is time to make your website design and you don't need the most fancy design that you see around internet. The most important to design and layout is the coding of the template you use, that it is good coding behind it and that it is good for speed.

That said, you can find many good templates on sites like Themeforest, but keep an eye on how popular the theme is, and also rating.

3 good templates you can build your business with

  1. GeneratePress
  2. Astra Theme
  3. StudioPress

If you want to go with a premium WordPress theme i know is good, i would take a look at Elegant Themes, and you have also GeneratePress Premium that is at a litt lower price.

What about Page Builders?

I use page builders on all my sites, and i love theme. That is because the freedom you got, but there is a leraning curve. But with all tutorials out there it should not be a problem.

What pagebuilders do i love:

  1. Breakdance
  2. Oxygen Builder
  3. Bricks Builder

I love Breakdance because the freedom you get, and you can build everything you want. The community is very good, and the team behind it is responsive and roll out updates. It is also very good if you need a webshop on your website, i think this is the best builder for everyone that will start with page builders.

Oxygen Builder are a beast! But here you need to know a little more about how to setup the framework.

Bricks Builder are also a great choice, but you need to put in some time to learn it.

Create Great Blog Content

Now when you have setup your website it is time to put some content in, and you need to start blogging about your niche.

I always use Google Trends to find what people are searching for, and when i find a term that has a good search volume, you need to fint a long tail keyword that don't have so much competition, then you will get on the first page in Search engines much more easy then a short tail keyword.

Use your long tail keyword in the title

The title is very important and you should use your keyword in it, and make the title interesting. I use ofen Why you should.... 8 steps to... Why i think this is.... in my titles.

What about your content?

I will say that you should at least write 600-1000 words about your topic in a blogpost. But that said, it is better to post something than nothing. But keep your focus on giving value to the readers, don't go for the money. If you give value, the money will come.

The keyword should be used 4-6 times in your text, and you can finish up your post with keyword as well.

It is also importent to use H2, H3 and H4 tags in your content, and if you can, put in your keyword in one of them.

Try to write down the text as you should be talking it, and don't use AI of copy from others. Unique text is best for rankings in search engines. And always be yourself, don't try to be someone else!

What about plugins

Don't try to use to many of them, i have about 4-10 plugin on my websites, and one i can't live without is Lasso Affiliate plugin. That is a timeserver when it comes to be an affiliate marketer on your website.

Set Up SEO And Analytics

Things To Do After Starting

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