Launch You Review 2024

André Ruud
Updated: 01/26/2024
19 min read

This is a personal Launch You review.  Maybe you are interested in starting an Online Business and you don’t know where to start? You have maybe seen Launch You / Modern Wealthy and you don’t know if this is right for you.

If you want to know if this is the right thing for you, please read the full Launch You review.

Launch You Review
Table of contents

My personal Launch You Review

This is my personal Launch You review and my experience with the program.

I have been trying other Online Business models before, and I have never had any success with them. The problem has been to understand how to setup things and do the marketing. The programs have been both good and bad, but without some learning information, I did not get it to work.

I was watching some YouTube videos an evening and then I got up an ad about How To Start An Online Business, and something hit me with this video. There was a promise about getting some FREE videos if I sign up on a newsletter, and I did. I had nothing to lose.

I saw the first video and started to search after Modern Wealthy / Launch You / Stuart Ross on the internet, and I can tell you: I found a lot of negative reviews about Stuart Ross and the company. Despite this, it almost stopped me from purchasing the program.

My Achievements

  • I have built a affiliate marketing business that generates semi-passive income through over 10 different affiliate programs.
  • I have learned everything about how to build a website, and the result is this site.
  • I’m on my way to build MY own business in my language. A course site.
  • I have setup and are running a successful ads campaign at Google and Facebook.
  • I have learn how to setup Google tagmanager, Facebook Pixel and how to track everything.
  • I have built a complete sales-funnel that is working.
  • I have starting to build a list of subscribers, and learned how to do that.
  • I have made affiliate sales to Launch You
  • In general, I have started to build my freedom, and I build the business step by step, and the income grows every day.

What you can expect out of this post

This is my personal review about Launch You, and I hope you will find all the answers you need to decide about this. I will provide you with an honest look inside Launch You, I will explore what they offer and how it benefits you.

I will try to inspire you to take action and start an Online Business. I think the timing is perfect, and it is simpler than you think. That said, you will need to put in some hard work.

In this post, you will find all information you need to see if this is the right roadmap for you. I can say that Launch You is not for everyone. You will find information about this in this post.

I also want to say to you, that this will be one of the longest posts on this website, and you NEED to read everything if you are serious about starting an Online Business.

If you don’t have the time, you can sign up for my FREE VIDEO SERIES, and see the foundation and get some FREE TRAININGS about Modern Wealthy, here.

I want to make sure that you are aware that some competitors and affiliate marketers may try to discourage you from starting with Launch You. Instead, they might divert your attention to their own offers. Please don’t let this unethical marketing approach mislead you. I will provide only the facts to dispel any typical falsehoods and help you make an informed decision.

By the way, I would like to suggest that you avoid negative review websites that engage in brand bashing. This is a desperate strategy designed to distract you and sell you on their bias in an attempt to make a sale. Unfortunately, these types of sites can cause people to waste a lot of time and effort jumping from one program to the next.

Trust your intuition when choosing the right program and stay focused on your progress. Remember, I’m here to support you every step of the way!

Earn fast money today!

So, you want to make money fast and get rich? Sorry to tell you that, but you will not find any business out there where you can make good money from day one.

It is easy to think that making money online is easy, especially with all the ads that are running on Facebook, Google and YouTube. I will say that it took me about 1 month before I made a single sale!

What you need to do to make money online:

  1. You need to be willing to step out of your comfort zone.
  2. You need to invest money into your business and you without any guarantee of return.
  3. Failure will happen. Get yourself up on the horse again as soon as possible and keep on.
  4. Hard work is necessary every day.
  5. You need discipline and the consistency is the key.

If you look at this list, and can tell me; YES, I can do this. Then you are on the right path to success.

Launc You

Launch You – What is it


The Ecosystem

There are three main areas around the Launch You ecosystem:

This ecosystem is the best I have ever seen, all the tools and trainings you get is just amazing. Because you have everything you need inside one platform, makes the starting process easy. There is hours off world class trainings here, you get hosting for websites, how to build websites and premium plugins so you don’t need to buy them by yourself.

No fancy new shiny objects here

Launch You has been around for over 15 years. They have a track record of helping thousands of people to prepare, launch, and grow successful online businesses from scratch. That make Launch You unique!

The Framework

Launch You provides a proven framework. It empowers new entrepreneurs to become successful online business owners. The engaging video-based training program contains three distinct phases: “prepare” “launch“, and “grow“.

Each phase takes you through essential tasks that will enable you to quickly get your business up and running. This program has already helped thousands of members. You can be confident that any issues or questions you may have will be quickly addressed.


The foundation phase is crucial for achieving online business success. Launch You provides a comprehensive roadmap to get there. The foundational LaunchPad focuses on your income and lifestyle goals. And the truth about making money online, as well as what it takes to efficiently achieve your income goal.

You will also gain access to “Your Best Life Blueprint“. This is a 21-step program that walks you through how to achieve holistic success in four key life areas: Health, Wealth, Self & Social.

Business Models

The training course lays out a variety of business models to choose from. These include affiliate marketing, e-commerce, selling your own information products, providing services to clients and driving more customers to your existing business.


Choosing your niche can be challenging. Carefully consider topics that interest you, find gaps in the market, partner with affiliates. Review audience sizes, and community building aspects. This way, you can make an informed decision.

Customer Avatar

Defining your customer avatar is the process of establishing a detailed description of your ideal customer.

Brand Strategy

Launch You offers an extensive range of branding training and services. Their offers include logo design, website development, social media marketing strategy, and more.

Web & Online Presence

Launch You provides world-class hosting, templates, and marketing tools through the DigitalBusinessLounge (DBL). It includes live training webinars, unlimited support, and access to the DBL private community group.

The LaunchPad membership includes hosting for one website, so you don’t need to pay extra for your business site or go somewhere else.

Attraction Marketing

Launch You teaches a revolutionary approach to online marketing that focuses on effective strategies. They allow you to reach your ideal customers in ways they will respond best to your messaging.

Scaling Your Business

Launch You has a combination of their own training and various partnerships. This includes LinkedIn Learning and They provide quick and easy access to everything you need to grow and scale your business.

If you need knowledge on a specific topic, you do not have to search for and buy extra online training. You can simply access it on the platform, and it is included in your LaunchPad membership.

Launch You Training Libary
Launch You Training Libary

The product line and pricing

There are three core training lines inside the community, and I will try to explain them here:

Modern Wealthy ($37)

Exactly What You’re Getting

First of all, this isn’t just another online course with a load of “how-to” videos telling you to try this and try that. This is about showing you a real path for growing your income by using a proven system for selling online. It’s also worth noting that it’s easy to follow and laid out for you step-by-step.

This Is A Very Versatile And Powerful System

You see, you can use this Authority Marketing system to sell all kinds of products & services. This system can be used to sell affiliate offers, physical products, and even to sell services or to get an endless stream of new clients.

The Modern Wealthy curriculum cover all the essential topics you need to know:

  • The Modern Wealthy Way
  • Six & Seven Figure Niches
  • Multiple Income Streams
  • Hyper Profitable Business Models
  • Authority Marketing Secrets
  • Autopilot Traffic, Sales & Income

You will also get the e-book “Authority Marketing Secrets of the Modern Wealthy”. And this is one of the best book I have read about Online Business. It opens the door to the many opportunities to generate income online.

And we don’t stop there: You will also get two bonus sources: “Affiliate Marketing 101” and “Ecom 101” where you will learn all about affiliate marketing and how to build an ecommerce shop.

Okey, one more gift for you: You will gain exclusive entry to the private Facebook group. This group will give you the opportunity to engage with other students.


LaunchPad ($997 annual or $197 initial + $99/month)

If you are truly committed to launching your own online business, then LaunchPad is the perfect implementation program. It is not a typical course that simply tells you the “how to”. Instead, the program is designed to provide you with everything you need to create your own version of success. It includes all the necessary tools, resources, templates, training, and shortcuts.

LaunchPad dashboard
LaunchPad Dashboard

Unlike many other online courses, LaunchPad is different. It does not offer a rigid learning experience where a one-size-fits-all approach is the norm. Instead, it offers flexible learning paths. These ensure you are always just a click away from the additional knowledge and deep learning required to stay on track with your goals. As you follow the framework, you’ll discover that each component is designed to deliver a specific outcome. And will help keep you moving forward in your business with confidence.

learning path
Individual Learning Paths in LaunchPad

One of the greatest advantages of LaunchPad is its ability to guide you through the process of building a successful online business. It gives you the confidence to overcome the biggest challenges along the way. With this effective framework, you can stay on track and achieve the best possible results, step by step.

The LaunchPad curriculum is composed of 6 comprehensive modules. It contains over 60 video lessons in total, giving you the ability to launch your online business step-by-step with confidence.

Module 1 – Foundation: Your Best Life Blueprint, Freedom income goal, Online authority marketing, etc.
Module 2 – Business Models:
Incubating You, Affiliate Marketing 101, E-comm 101, etc.
Module 3 – Niche & Avatar:
Niche Brainstorming, Niche trends, Customer & Business avatar, etc.
Module 4 – Your Brand & Website:
What, How & Why, Brand Guidelines, etc
Module 5 – Attraction Marketing:
A message that matters, Why use stories
Module 6 – Traffic:
Traffic, Leads & Sales: SEO, Tracking, Google Ads, etc

LaunchPad Curriculum
LaunchPad Curriculum

Here are the benefits you’ll receive with the Launch You membership:

  1. Access to the LaunchPad core curriculum
  2. Flexible learning paths tailored to your needs
  3. Entry into a vibrant and supportive community
  4. Exclusive access to website templates and hosting services
  5. Weekly live webinars with top-notch instructors
  6. You have access to over 12,000 additional courses through partnership with LinkedIn Learning

And we must not forget about the community you will get access to. Here you can connect and share knowledge from other members.


The Accelerate program is a 12-month coaching and implementation program available exclusively through application. It is designed for individuals who seek to one-on-one mentoring. Accelerate includes advanced training and support while working through the curriculum.

You will first be matched with a dedicated coach to develop a customized launch and implementation plan. Afterwards, you can progress through the curriculum at your desired pace. Coaches and an implementation partners will be by your side.

Throughout your journey, your coaches will provide ongoing support and guidance as you put what you learned into practice. They will also direct you to more advanced training resources as necessary.

What about support if needed?

You will never be left alone in this community, there are so many opportunities here to get help if needed:

  • Support Desk – There is a support desk where you will get support from trained experts.
  • Private Facebook Group – This is the place where members share wins, ask questions, and get advice from others. Here you can connect with other members who are on the same journey as you.
  • Live Webinars – There are almost every day webinars where the mentors share best practices and current trends in the world of online business.
  • The ‘Ask a Question’ Tool – This tool provides expert advice from experienced entrepreneurs 24/7. It’s your go-to source for help. It could be with setting up your website, designing a new logo for your business, or hiring freelancers for your growing business. With this tool, getting the help you need is easy and accessible.
  • Access to 15,000 Searchable Courses – The platform offers access to over 15,000 courses at no extra cost, so you can achieve your business goals. From digital marketing to social media growth to developing the right mindset, these courses cover all the business topics that matter to you.

Are there any results in this program

I don’t know all the actual figures here, and what “success” is, but what I have seen, is that there is a lot of people here that make “success” in their business. If that is to make $500, $10 000, $100 000 or 1 million I don’t know. But I see everyday posts about some greate results.

That said, the globally completion rate for online courses are only 13%!!!

This means that only 13 out of 100 people who sign up for online courses finish them. That tell me that it is very important to follow the trainings, and do the work here, if you do that, you will have success!

So, if you are looking for a get rich business model from day one, you don’t need to sign up for this. But if you are willing to learn and put the work in here, you will have a good business up and running in a month or two.

If it takes 2 months or two years for you, I don’t know. If you have time and take the trainings serious, the business will become your dream at one point that is a promise.

Who is behind Launch You?

Stuart Ross is an entrepreneur who has been in the online space for over 15 years. He has generated over $100 million in online sales. Stuart made his money through affiliate marketing, starting in the dating niche. Then he moved into creating software, educational companies, and a charity.

Before starting out, I read a lot of negative reviews online about Stuart, which almost put them off. While the advanced courses are expensive and the success rate is low, the education provided is next level. My personal experience is that this has changed my life for the better, not just financially.

But why are there negative reviews about Stuart? I believe that people don’t like to take responsibility for their actions. If they haven’t achieved the desired results after spending thousands of dollars on courses. They would rather blame others than admit they didn’t try hard enough.

I like to compare it to a gym membership. You can become a member of the best gym in the world with personal trainers, individual training programs, spas and much more. But if you are not willing to show up and do your exercises – who are you going to blame if you don’t get a six pack?

If other people have had success through a program, it means it’s possible for anyone to succeed as well.

Stuart has owned several businesses in the online space, including The Six Figure Mentors and Digital Experts Academy. They have been around for over 10 years. These businesses taught similar things to what Launch You teaches. In other words, helping people start businesses online.

However, due to recent events in 2020, the company struggled to stay afloat, so Stuart created Launch You. The training is now digital, rather than in-person at events. And it has been updated to be in line with what’s working in 2023. It is normal for companies to reinvent themselves or rebrand, just like how Facebook has rebranded to Meta.

Are there any guarantees here

Launch You offers a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, which is unmatched by most similar programs and courses. This means that you can fully experience the entire system for 30 days. If you find even the slightest detail that doesn’t meet your expectations, they will refund your money in full! And I have seen this happening, as this program is not for everyone.

Is Launch You A Pyramid Scheme?

You may be wondering why people are promoting Launch You and trying to convince you to sign up. Is this just a pyramid scheme? The answer is no.

A pyramid scheme is a system in which a person recruits others, promising payment or services, to form a chain under them. Those recruits then go on to recruit others, with the earliest participants benefiting the most. The ones who join later usually lose money.

Launch You has an affiliate program that allows people to act as middlemen and earn commissions. The benefit of an affiliate program is that the company doesn’t have to focus on marketing to bring in customers. Instead, they can focus on their services and customers. Millions of companies have affiliate programs, from online courses and web hosting to software and Amazon.

Do i become an Affiliate for Launch You?

If you wish, you can be an affiliate for Launch You, but that is up to you.

Why does everyone promote Launch You?

That is because when people sign up for this online training, they don’t know where to start, and they start up with this affiliate model. And that said, there is some different affiliate programs out there.

  1. You have affiliate programs where you sell products and get commission one time.
  2. You have affiliate programs where you sell software, courses, and things like that, where you get commission every month the customers pay for it. And Launch You has this affiliate program.

Are people just making money selling Launch You?

The answer is: NO

In the world of online marketing, selling Launch You has been a proven source of income for many beginners. The reason for this is that promoting Launch You offers a valuable support network. This helps individuals learn new skills and presents the opportunity to earn high-ticket affiliate commissions. Sometimes even totaling thousands of dollars per sale.

Ways to earn money with Launch You

Affiliate marketing – This involves promoting products or services offered by other businesses. You earn a commission on any sales you generate. It’s an excellent way to kickstart your online business with minimal initial investment and fast returns.

E-commerce – This involves selling physical goods. You will learn how to source products, market and sell them through platforms like Amazon FBA, Shopify, and your own web store.

Information & Coaching products – This involves creating and selling your own digital products and programs. It can be e-books, online courses, and memberships. You will also learn how to attract a full roster of clients if you are a coach or consultant.

Providing services – There is a high demand for freelance services online. These range from web development and design to virtual assistance and content creation (just to name a few).

Driving more customers to your existing business – If you already have an existing business, you will learn proven strategies. Apply them properly and you will get more customers than you can handle!

The Launch You framework encourages you to build a brand that can generate multiple income streams from the ground up. This sets Launch You apart from other online courses that only focus on one income stream or business model. When it comes to making money online, there are many ways to do so, and it only makes sense to tap into multiple income streams.

Pros & Cons

Pros & Cons

Now it’s important to carefully consider the pros and cons before deciding whether to join the Launch You program. Let’s review them now:

  • Comprehensive step-by-step training and proven framework
  • Access to mentors and entrepreneurs for support
  • Weekly live webinars and Q&A sessions
  • Access to a highly active community of like-minded entrepreneurs
  • 3-day money back guarantee
  • All in one platform – You get almost everything you need to start
  • Can be overwhelming for beginners (There is so much inside here)
  • Expensive high-ticket coaching programs (haven’t use them yet)


The program has changed my lift in so many ways, I have learned so much, not just about business, but also about life and mindset.

I know the training can be expensive, but you can start for just $37 and that is not so much. The point here is that my advice is to start right away. The longer you wait and the more excuses you come up with, the longer it will take to create the life you want. In this program you will learn how to do it, but you need to jump on and follow the trainings.

Inside the Launch You community, members are experiencing breakthroughs every day. It’s all because they are acting. The fact that you’re reading this right now tells me two things. You are serious about taking your life to the next level, and you want to learn how to make money online.

The only thing left for you to decide is whether to start with the entry program, Modern Wealthy, or go all in with LaunchPad right away. Whatever path you choose, I guarantee that you will be taking massive steps toward your ultimate life of freedom and prosperity. So what are you waiting for?


Is Launchpad a One-Time Fee or Billed Monthly?

Launchpad is $997. Or a $197 down payment and then billed $99 monthly after your first 30 days. This is for all of the additional ongoing training, tools, and support that we provide you. However, if you purchase the discounted “pay upfront” annual package, you will be charged only one time for the year (no monthly payments – save $289/yr).

Can I cancel my subscription?

There’s no period of commitment for your monthly subscription. In the event you ever want to cancel, just send us a ticket from your dashboard with the cancellation request and our friendly support team can process the request instantly for you. If you paid in full upfront for the year, you will have access for 12 months to all additional tools, training & support.

Can I move my website if I leave Launch You?

You can move your WordPress website to any host of your choice. You also have the option to downgrade your account to our website hosting & tools only package which is just $25/mo.

I already have an online business, will this program help me?

Absolutely! You will learn how to market and sell any product to any type of customer anywhere in the world, and fill in any missing gaps when it comes to online business success.

If I get busy or miss any of the live calls are there recordings?

Yes. Each month’s materials are recorded and loaded into your dashboard. Simply log in at any time and gain access to all the materials.

Does it matter where in the world I am located?

Absolutely not! Our programs are relevant no matter where in the world you are located and as long as you have access to the internet you are good to go! There is also nothing to download or install so you can work from almost any type of device too!

I’m just starting out, and I’m concerned that I don’t have enough clarity for my business idea yet to really benefit from the course. Should I come back when I am more clear?

This is actually the perfect time to start. Go through the introductory training, and you’ll gain the clarity you need as a result of the steps you’ll be taken through.

Give me some ❤️
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